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Coach Origin - le coaching

What is coaching ?

What do we really have need ? What makes us the happiest? H ow would like take care our days and feel useful, fulfilled?


We have only very little time and opportunity to focus on the essentials and what really matters. Coaching allows you to: time to think, ask the right questions, plan or clarify complex situations, fully understand how it works and assess what are your professional or personal life goals and implement daily actions to be fully satisfied.

Methods & objectives

Using many tools and techniques (NLP, listening, planning, emotional intelligence, hypnosis, breathing, questionnaire on his values ​​and emotions, etc.), the coach helps you ask yourself the right questions, to explore with you what the difficulties are or the challenges you face and how to understand them in order to master them and turn them into an asset for your future.

Unlike the psychologist, the work is not focused exclusively on the past but rather to define what we want for the future. We therefore assess from the current situation and its complexity how to move forward and towards what to focus your strengths and energy to make you happy and fulfilled. Quite simply, I help you to be happy and confident in order to move serenely, day after day, towards your goals.

Coach Origin - coach de vie


As a coach, I commit to:

• Preserve the confidentiality of our exchanges and information transmitted to me without making any judgment.

• Be fully dedicated and at your service, understand your expectations in order to better support you.


• Adopt in all circumstances a professional attitude that is always positive and honest.

• Be honest in the event that the partnership does not work or your needs are beyond my competence. I can also recommend other professionals (psychologist, etc.) to work with you.


• Serve you to the best of my skills and abilities, and support you in achieving your goals.

• Continue to train myself, to be coached myself and renew my certification every 3 years.

• Take on challenges, step out of my comfort zone, and have the courage to engage in deep conversations with you


What I expect from you:


• Are ready to make the changes you want to make knowing that you are responsible for your choices.


• Come to each session, ready to share what you have learned, your wins and losses and prepare the subject on which you want to coach. Being an international professional coach, I am bound by the code of ethics of the International Coaching Federation (IFC) and I am a member of the Doha - Qatar chapter.


You can access this code of ethics by clicking on this link:

(several versions available including a French version).

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